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                Thank you for choosing GreenPrima. Your trust and suggestions are the driving power of our improvement.




                After-sales Service and Guarantee

                戈普不仅提供高质量、低维护的产品,还提供标准完善的全方位技术服务。我们有多名服务经验丰富的技√术工程师和大量的维修配⌒ 件库存,可以快速及时的■解决客户反馈的问题。我们的官网上提▽供下载快速操作手册、安装〗调试视频和仪器的常见问题汇总,也□ 通过电子邮件、传真、电话等方式,快速诊断和解决客户反◎馈的问题。

                GreenPrima not only provides quality products which need little maintenance, but also offers standard, mature and comprehensive technical service. With a large number of experienced technicians and a considerable stock of spare parts, we can promptly respond to any problem fed back from our customers. Our official website offers a ready access to operation manuals, installment and commissioning videos, an assemblage of FAQs (frequently asked questions), etc. Besides, a quick diagnosis and solution of an issue brought to us can be done through e-mail, fax and telephone.




                If you have any questions regarding our products, please contact us at info@greenprimainst.com.






                GreenPrima provides a one-year warranty starting from the date of installment and commissioning and lifelong maintenance for all the products it sells (notes: when the customer shall be held responsible for the product not being installed in time, the warranty period starts from the delivery date; in addition, wear and tear parts and spare parts are not covered by the warranty). For any quality issue within the warranty period, we will provide replacement and maintenance for free. For any product outside of its warranty or any damage caused by the buyer, the buyer will have to pay for any replaced part during the maintenance.





                GreenPrima boasts a well-skilled and experienced technical support team to provide solutions within the shortest time. They carry out diagnosis through telephone, video call, mail, etc. and provide a preliminary diagnosis and solution within 24 hours. Our company keeps a considerable stock of frequently used parts and can basically solve any dysfunction of a returned instrument within a week.






                GreenPrima offers distance training and compensable on-spot training, which cover the basic principles of specific instruments, how to operate specific instruments, daily maintenance and troubleshooting of rudimentary issues.